Chapter I: Gender – Male/Female Interaction
Interaction among males and females can be volatile, if not unpredictable, at times. There are subtle differences that must be observed if we are to properly co-exist with others. Often, instances of disagreement can occur. This can happen for various reasons and the reasons themselves can also be unpredictable. More so, when dealing with differences in gender, the situation can become quite volatile indeed. We will not, in particular, deal with the causes of such disagreements but, instead, look at how these situations can be properly handled in order to maintain proper interaction. More specifically, we will look into how the handling of these situations vary based on gender differences.
Scenario A: One Male Offends Another
A group of friends are at a bar. Two of these friends, Robert and Steven, are best friends. They have become involved in an argument. It appears that Robert has caught Steven, who has consumed a little too much alcohol, flirting with his girlfriend, Lacy. Obviously, this situation is enough to provoke Robert to great anger. Steven, upon realizing his misjudgment, seeks to make amends. Steven, being the offending party approaches humbly. He knows that he is in the wrong and seeks to open dialogue with the offended friend, Robert.
Steven admits his wrong...
Now, Steven, attempts a truce.
As a male, Robert is not interested in drama or prolonged conflict and begins to contemplate this resolution. They have been best friends for a long time and Steven was slightly intoxicated during the incident, after all. Though Robert is very angry, he considers Steven's gesture and offer of resolution.
After consideration, Robert then accepts Steven's truce, albeit with some reservations.
Now, Steven, proposes a peace offering to solidify the truce.
Steven's further gesture successfully solidifies the truce. In the end, the conflict is resolved and both parties move to put the matter behind them.
Scenario B: Male Offends Female
This time, let us reexamine this scenario with one seemingly minor change. Like the first time, Steven is caught flirting with Lacy. However, in this scenario, he was caught by his own girlfriend, Diane. Again, Steven sets out to make amends.
Needless to say, a situation of tension has, once again, been created. It should also be noted that, added to this tension, is the fact that Diane does not like Lacy very much. This is because Lacy always gets attention from the guys due to the fact that she wears shorter, tighter skirts and also because, unlike most other stick women, has breasts...
Large ones!
Once again, Steven, is the offending party and has to resolve the situation. He, again, attempts to open a dialogue with the one offended party, Diane.
Steven admits his wrong. Only, this time, we can clearly see that the volume of hostility from the offended party is significantly more. This may be a bit disarming and one must stay focused in handling such a situation such as this. Remaining calm and focused is key in being able to formulate the right words and actions to properly diffuse the situation.
Unfortunately, Steven does not do this.
As we can see, Steven fails to tailor his type of apology to properly suit the situation. It is widely understood that, when dealing with members of the opposite sex, a certain level of delicacy and diplomacy must be observed. Steven's unfortunate misjudgment quickly leads to the following outcome.
In conclusion, we cannot forget the reverse to the second scenario – where the female is the offender and the male is the offended. However, this can easily be summed up in the last two illustrations.
End of Chapter 1