Friday, November 17, 2023

I Need To Get A Life!

Previously, those of you who were here may remember how I mentioned that I wanted to restart my blog. While those words were said with utmost sincerity, I could help but feel a fair amount of apprehension in typing them.

It’s not that I don’t enjoy writing anymore or that blogging out my thoughts and experiences has stopped being a being a way for me to sort things out in my head. Even spending hours on end drawing up stick-people cartoons (though I can't promise a return to that anytime soon) and just being silly, in general, could bring a smile to my face (and, hopefully, some of you, as well).

My hesitation comes from the fact that my life, as it is now, has become overwhelmingly uneventful. In the past, I wrote about my crappy jobs, funny situations and people related those jobs (crappy and otherwise), my adventures in studying after work, awkward interactions and, most prominently, things related to my marriage. Only, now, none of those things are really a thing anymore.

I said a long time ago, I’d stop complaining about work on my blog so that ended. I finished school and got my degree just a few months before the world went on that pandemic timeout. Then, of course, the marriage thing is over and done with as well.

Life, for me, has become an endlessly repeating cycle of go to work, hit the gym, go home, kill time, prepare for the next day, go to sleep, weekends (YAY!), lather, rinse and repeat.

And that’s it.

This wasn’t the plan, naturally. After becoming a singular C, I entertained the idea of picking up new hobbies, getting out more and doing a lot more. Unfortunately, when the salary you earn is just enough to survive to the next one, adventuring tends to get put on hold. And, while having a bachelor’s degree makes for a nice achievement unlock, it doesn’t do much when either: a. nobody’s hiring or b. even entry-level positions in your chosen field have an age of twenty-five with thirty-year’s experience, two masters and letters of recommendation from the Pope and the President requirement.

I may have exaggerated that part a tiny bit.

Just a little.

I have gotten more serious about my fitness so I guess I could post about my “weight-loss journey” but unless it involves joining a band of heroic misfits and travelling to some distant land to slay some ultimate evil… something, I’m really not any type of “journey” blogger. I’ll say this much on that: losing fat, gaining muscle, going great. That’s pretty much all I can say about it.

Clearly, I need to change things up. Not having money to do stuff is a drag, for sure, but I’m pretty sure I’m just letting become an excuse to hide away in my cave and just exist, instead of live. Not only for having material for blogging’s sake but for the sake of opening the door to making this existence of mine matter in some way, I should probably do as the kids say nowadays and go touch some grass.

That’s why I’ve decided I’m going to end off this year with some intense brainstorming on things I can be doing with my life (definitely not procrastinating). I could try finding those new hobbies, rediscovering some old ones I may have cast aside unintentionally, going out, seeing things and doing things. Even if they’re not huge steps at first, I think just getting out there can be enough to open some doors to bigger things, right?

Of course, I'm not totally ruling out the possibility that there actually is a heroic band of misfits on their way to save the world with an opening for a witty writer to chronicle our adventures (and can probably hold his own a fight or two). If you're out there, feel free to give me a shout. I’m always down.

So, yeah, all this is to say is that, starting next year, I’m going to give this "getting a life" thing a try. I mean it! I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions and since it’s only mid-November anyway, I’m of the opinion this doesn’t count as one. Anyone who wants to hold me accountable to my words is free to do so since I’m publishing this for all to see.

On the plus side, though, this is actually a second post that I’ve posted here within the same year, so that’s something, I guess.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Thanks For The Offer But I'll Pass On The Life Lesson Today.

Life is full of teachable moments. I know this because there seems to be a never-ending stream of people who will try to turn everything you say or do that conveys even the slightest lack of complete positivity into a lesson on how you could be doing better if only you would (*insert way of being told how to live life here*).

If that came across like I'm not particularly fond of receiving unsolicited advice, then I guess it means I was able to successfully relay my feelings on the topic. As much as it may rob someone of the opportunity to display their intellectual & emotional superiority help, I sometimes, would like to not walk around with a fake smile, pretending like everything's peachy for fear that someone I know (or even don't know) will see my less than perfect facade as an opportunity to jump in & tell me what I'm doing wrong & how I can fix it. It's tiring, always having to put up the "everything's okay" front & worrying about even the slightest thing you do or say can be an excuse for the random person nearby to step in.

What really made me aware of that under-the-microscope feeling was something that happened several years ago...

I was waiting for a taxi to get back to work from a lunchtime errand. It was a beautiful, sunny day & I was admiring the sharp colours of the blue sky & white clouds. Sometimes I do things like that. I observe trees, clouds & other things. It's weird, I know, but I enjoy it.

Anyway, I digress (I just realised how long it's been since I've typed that). I saw a taxi coming towards me, I stopped it & got in in the back. As it was the only passenger, I scooted in behind the driver to allow for any other potential passengers he would pick up along the way. No more than ten seconds after the car pulled off, the driver started.

"So, I couldn't help but notice that you were staring up to the heavens just now."

That's when I noticed the rosary hanging from the rearview as well as the old-school (I mean, really, really old-school) gospel coming from the radio. I honestly don't know if my sigh was audible or not but I'm pretty sure he didn't see my eyes roll (I hope). How was I going to get out if this impending conversation that I didn't want to have? "Me like pretty clouds!" was a way to go, I guess...

"Don't worry about it. It's just a thing I do." was all that I said, though.

Fortunately, we were interrupted by another passenger flagging him down & the conversation ended before it began. I still think about that passenger sometimes. I hope she's doing well in life.

It was minor but, for a while after that, I was left feeling like I had to be on constant guard as to how I carried myself in public, down to the most minute detail, so as to not leave an open invitation for unsolicited suggestions & life-coaching.

None of this is to say, mind you, that I already have everything figured out or I even can figure everything out on my own. Like everyone else, sometimes (often) I do need help & advice as I navigate through life. That being said, I don't need everyone jumping in & trying at every chance to take the wheel either.

Sorry if all that came off a bit whiny... I did file this under "rant" after all, so you were warned.

Truth is, since my divorce, I've been thinking about firing-up the old blog again. I got my own place, my own internet & even my own computer... but I was hesitant. When I first started writing here, I was (was?) a complete noob. I thought I could keep this space private from people I interacted with IRL so I could say anything I felt without judgement. That, however, didn't end up being the case. Family came to know about it, coworkers & friends found their way here. I did a piss-poor job of keeping this blog away from my non-virtual life. Maybe... subconsciously... that was intentional. Who knows?

Sometimes, but not very often, a few of these people would even come up to me after I posted something that got too deep to tell me what they thought & how they thought I should handle things. A few even tried to not let on that they read my thoughts here & it was somehow a complete coincidence that this advice was forthcoming.

However, after some soul-searching & figuring out of things (On my own too! Would you look at that!) I've decided I'm not letting those thoughts hamper me from doing things the way I feel I need to do them. Regardless of who has anything to say, this is still my space, after all. Does that mean I'm going to start posting every day/week/month again? Huh! I dunno! We'll see where things go from here.

All this being said, to anyone who knows me ,on or off the internet & somehow still manage come back here to stumble upon this post, let me just say thanks... but I'm alright. The majority of the stuff I write here is peppered with a healthy serving of hyperbole anyway so I'm not as lost & in need as I may appear on "paper". Let me be the one to come to you seeking assistance. It'll feel more special that way, I promise.