Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
So The Real Question Is…
Remember when I said that, for the first interview for the reporter job at a newspaper, I was asked a certain icebreaker question? I said
that I had answered so uniquely that they just had to have me back for the
second interview.
Well, as I said, I was then sworn to secrecy and challenged to figure out the
correct answer on my own by the time I got there for the second interview. I also said that the second interview went pretty well but, up to Friday, they still hadn't made their decision. So, in the meantime, why not share that question with you and the answer I provided? Exactly!
It went like this:
It went like this:
“king ... was seen walking and talking half an hour after his head was
cut off”
True or False?
Now, for those of you who have come across this type of
thing before, the obvious thing is that the sentence is missing a punctuation
mark. It makes more sense if you put a comma right after “talking”. I’m sure
this would have also occurred to many of you even if you haven’t done this kind of test
I, on the other hand, did not exactly answer it in the
traditional sense. In fact, I totally missed the point, so to speak. My answer
looked more like:
I can’t answer this question without getting some more information
- Was it really the king who was executed? It isn’t farfetched to think
that he had a double take his place so that he could escape execution.
- Was it the same king ...? Could it have been one “king ...” who was executed
and some other “king ...” who was seen both walking and talking somewhere else?
- Was the king who was seen in the act of walking and talking his
successor (IE: King… the 2nd, or 3rd, etc)?
- Was the event where he was seen walking and talking a recording
played after his execution? No mention of era was given in the above statement.
I stopped there. There were some other things I wanted to
know, but I didn’t bother to put down (mostly
because I ran out of paper):
- Was the king a walking, talking zombie? You know! As opposed to the more common shuffling & moaning variety.
- What did he do to piss everyone off anyway?
- Did he use time travel? If that was the case, he could have just been
saying, “I’ll be the first king to go back in time,” then walked over to the time
machine (See? Both talking and walking being done) and used it to go back in
time one week. Unfortunately, his feat would have been seen as some sort of
sorcery and the people then decided to execute him for practicing the dark arts.
Fortunately, they overlooked the fact that I am an idiot
completely missed the point of the question and decided that my need to dig
deeper, think outside the box and ask more questions were exactly the
characteristics they were looking for in a future journalist. I was then
allowed to proceed to interview number two.
I can only conclude that the moral of this story is: If
you’re going to get it wrong, get it wrong with style. Things just might work
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Ripping Someone Off (Now With An Extra Step).
1. Add graphic:
2. Make people think there's yet again an actual post on your blog.
3. By the time they realize there isn't an actual post on your blog, redirect them to where your posts are:
Click here and here.
4. Once again, end abruptly.
2. Make people think there's yet again an actual post on your blog.
3. By the time they realize there isn't an actual post on your blog, redirect them to where your posts are:
4. Once again, end abruptly.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Social Interaction - Going Unnoticed.
I’ll admit that I’m not a social person. I know that and
I don’t have a problem with it. I’ve never liked one-on-one conversations
except with people I am very close to. I always feel awkward and tend to feel
responsible for keeping the conversation going. At which point I end up
fumbling for things to say. The end result is an awkward train wreck of a
dialogue that onlookers want to shield their eyes and ears from but feel
compelled to witness the horror as it unfolds.
Me: So… how ya
Innocent victim of
conversation with me: Great. My wife and I are expecting. You?
(Note the clearly and
conveniently provided segue. Taking this avenue would often lead to a stimulating
and healthy conversation. However, I often will miss turn-offs such as these and
continue careening wildly into conversational oblivion.)
Me: Good… I’m good…
Crazy heat we’ve been having these days, huh?
Victim: Yeah, crazy.
Me: Yeah… So…
How’s work going?
Believe me, it’s that painful. Situations like these are probably
the only reason why I, as much as I dislike them, find crowds useful. It’s very
easy to get lost in one. While in a one-on-one conversation you have no choice but
to participate, when you’re in a group you can easily step back and let the
ones who like the sound of their own voices do their thing while you just nod or
grunt in affirmation at the appropriate juncture. In most cases I prefer to just
blend in to the background.
Don’t mind me. I’m
just sitting here being part of the scenery. Just another innocuous prop here
to make the scene more lifelike. Please carry on.
This is something I’ll have to work on when I become a
journalist. As a reporter, you’re supposed to be a talker and, especially, a listener. You’re supposed
to ask questions and dig deeper and often be the one to initiate a conversation
with complete strangers. I guess it’s about time I learned to be something
other than scenery.
This is something I have to change, but it won’t be easy.
Over the years I’ve developed a very effective chameleon-like ability that
allows me to do just that. If I did it just right, the most people would say
about me is, “Vinny? He’s quiet and keeps
to himself most of the time, but he seems like a nice guy.”
(Interesting side note: if you say that
in the past tense, it would basically be the same thing people would say about
someone they just found out was a serial killer or who went postal and gunned
down his coworkers. I, however, don’t plan on going postal… I think.)
Recently, though, I’ve been beginning to get the
impression that people have been misinterpreting my standoffish demeanor.
Instead of seeing me as just quiet, they think I’m actually being unfriendly.
Can you believe that? Me! Unfriendly?! Of all the..! This
is exactly why I don’t like most of those sons of bitches and when I do
if I were to finally snap they’d be the first ones I’d…
Ahem! Sorry.
Anyway, as I was saying, I’ve been noticing people’s
behavior towards me seem to suggest that they think I’m not a friendly person. When
did I start giving off this “unfriendly” vibe? Oh sure, I can be *cough* a teeny bit *cough* passive aggressive when I’m ready, but I wouldn’t go so far
as to say I’m unfriendly.
Those assholes!
Filed Under:
analyze dis,
boring assed blog,
NOcial interaction,
trust issues
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Not My Usual Weekend Wrap-Up.
I've been very inactive on the old interwebz for most of this week so I'll forego my usual weekly recap and just fill you all in on what's been going on here with me.
- It's been just about a week now since I lost internet access at home. Since we moved here we were fortunate to have free internet courtesy of the landlady (she provides free wi-fi access to both her tenants). While I've been busy cursing the ISP for the problem (they're the usual culprits so it's natural), it turns out it was actually the doing of our landlady. Seems she forgot to pay the bill before she took one of her frequent trips overseas, and the rest... well... you can figure it out. She assures us it'll be sorted out on her return at the end of the month. Hey, at least I get to bust this out again:
![]() |
Which basically sums up how I feel about being unplugged. |
- Due to my insane week of internet free living and employment hopes, I had only one post on Sprocket Ink which was on Tuesday. If you missed it, be sure to check out it out. Another dad of the year contender has just emerged and he's ready to fight for the top spot.
- Regarding the job hunt, I had the follow-up interview with the newspaper on Thursday. They say they have an opening for two reporters and have narrowed down their choice to three top contenders. And I'm one of them. They're being very cryptic, but they did say that things were looking good for me. I'll know by the middle of next week. I really hate suspense. You know that?
The other interview I was supposed to have on Friday was postponed. They'll call me back when they're ready to reschedule.
Okay! This one is really funny. For those of you who have been here long enough, remember the job I used to have? The one where I was fired, then promoted, then had the position I was promoted to declared redundant? They called and asked me to come back to fill a temporary position for a few months. I'm not kidding!
To be honest, I'm not sure how I should respond to this. I don't know whether I should laugh or cuss uncontrollably. I may just do both. Either way, I don't think I'm quite desperate enough to willingly go back to (former) Bossman's and Bosslady's clutches. Even if it is just temporary.
Life's just too short, you know?
Filed Under:
I couldn't make this up if I tried,
my crappy internet,
paint skillz,
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Just Some Quick Updates.
First, I've got another post over at Sprocket Ink today. Seems like there's yet another dad of the year contender making an appearance. Be sure to check it out.
In other news, I'm currently without internet access at home. It's been down since around 8PM last night with no real explanation as to why. While the ISP continue to be "currently in the process of trying to rectify the problem" I've been forced to rely on public internet, like the wi-fi here in school, for the time being. Hopefully, by the time I get home it'll be up and running again.
Finally, I got a call this morning about my follow-up interview. It's set for this Thursday. I did a happy dance and then, about two hours after that call, another place I sent an application to called They wanted to set an appointment for an interview this Friday. It isn't in the journalism field but at least it seems that I'm no longer persona non grata to employers.
And that's about it. Now get on over to Sprocket if you haven't already.
Filed Under:
happy dance,
my crappy internet,
phoning it in,
Sprocket Ink,
web links
Monday, October 10, 2011
Thinking Economically.
Some time back I mentioned how a
major part of the reason I got into blogging was due to journal entries I had to make in one of my classes last year. It was there I shared one of those
journals with you all. I was going through some of them again and decided to
share another one. Here is my attempt at explaining inflation.
This is one I did back in May
2010. Just like before, I haven’t altered it except that I changed the
lecturer’s name to only his initial.
Journal Entry VII
INFLATION – Bigger Isn't
Always Better.
INFLATION: Here's another one of
those things you hear getting tossed about by the politicians and journalists
that you think you get... And once again, you don't. I, this time wasn't
fooling myself. I knew I didn't have a clue but I was interested in finding
out, though.
Our lecturer, Mr. B, described
inflation as, “A persistent increase in the general price level in a country.”
It's is an easy enough concept: if inflation goes up by 10% that means prices
go up by 10% - simple, right? I get that. What I – and apparently many others –
didn't know is that if inflation drops to 6% or 4% it means that prices are
still increasing but at a lesser rate. Prices actually going down is called
“deflation”... I don't remember ever hearing about us going through one of
So what causes inflation? There
are different causes, as outlined in class that day (The stuff in blue is actually from class):
PULL INFLATION – Aggregate Demand (AD) rises faster than supply. (Then,
maybe it's time to go on a diet.)
PUSH/WAGE PUSH INFLATION – Cost of production increases leading to an increase
in prices. (Sad, but true.) Also, an
increase in wages is considered a production cost increase.
INFLATION – Increases in money supply leading to increased AD leading to
increased prices. (Who says too much money can't be a bad thing?)
PUSH INFLATION – Firms/merchants increase prices to maintain profit margins.
(You greedy bastards!)
INFLATION – Bottlenecks (in the supply of raw materials or final goods) exist
in the economy structure creating artificial shortages leading to higher
prices. (Okay, how is that my fault?! Why I have to pay?)
INFLATION (What? Our own inflation isn't good enough?) – The source of the inflation lies outside the country.
High prices originate in the country of origin leading to high prices in the
purchasing country. (Who needs M&M's? Cheers* are just as good.)
There are, of course, different
levels of inflation. The best way to describe it is to imagine you're horseback
riding – Okay, I never have either. Just follow me on this, alright.
First there's an easy, slow creeping/persistent inflation which is an
inflation rate of 2% – 6%. Then, ooh, there's trotting inflation and
things speed up to 10% – 20%. You're okay, though. Just need to keep in that
saddle. Kinda fun in a scary way. About the time you reach excessive/runaway/galloping
inflation – 20% plus – you don't care anymore if the girls see you sobbing
in terror like a baby, you just want someone to stop this accursed animal.
At hyper inflation, which is a whopping 1000% PLUS! (Yes, PLUS!), you (or in this case, your economy) have already been shaken to death
like your horse was a British nanny (are metaphors within metaphors really
so wrong?) and you're being dragged along the rocks with your foot caught
in the stirrup... Gruesome, huh? I thought understanding something made it less
* "Cheers" is a locally made chocolate coated candy.
Filed Under:
analyze dis,
boring assed blog,
phoning it in
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Just Where Have You Been This Week? - Dealing With Secrets & Mysteries.
This was an eventful week for me. I was stressing the whole interview thing right up until the day it happened but turns out things did turn out pretty good. But we'll get to all that during the wrap-up.
As usual, we start with what I was up to here:
- On Monday I shared another conversation with Mrs. C where she seemed to let a secret slip. I'm still investigating.
- I didn't post again until Thursday. It was just to ramble on a little about the impending job interview the day after that.
- On Friday, after the interview, I announced that I was successful. Unfortunately, that only means that I get to go to round two, A SECOND INTERVIEW! It is true that torture is often most effective when you can drag it out for as long as possible. I guess employers (even potential ones) know this better than most.
Now a few of you have asked and, as I said in the comments to that post, this mystery question is actually the homework. One of the interviewers challenged me to figure out the correct answer for them by the time I returned for the second interview. And, while he did swear me to secrecy, I really do want to see if I can figure it out on my own. Be patient. I'll share it as soon as I can. Promise.
As you know, I also did my thing over at Sprocket Ink:
- On Tuesday I wrote about a family whose exploits in attempted murder could be right out of a movie plot. Albeit a Pegg and Frost movie plot rather than a murder mystery, though.
![]() |
I dunno... This one seems a little out there. Even for us! source |
- Then, on Thursday, I wrote about boobs again (it's in my imaginary contract). This time it was about a profession I could really see myself getting into... Minus the makeup, of course.
There it is! My week's activities here on the blogasphere. Of course, I'll keep you updated on my progress on the job front and let you know when they call back. Until then, later.
Filed Under:
Sprocket Ink,
web links,
Where Have You Been
Friday, October 7, 2011
I just had my interview at the newspaper.
I got up at 3:32 this morning. I don't know why. Nerves, I guess. This was the day of my interview and all and I always had a habit of getting up early whenever there was a big event. Things like school trips back in the day, my wedding day, the first day at a new job, anything that could make me anxious did this to me.
I got up at 3:32 this morning. I don't know why. Nerves, I guess. This was the day of my interview and all and I always had a habit of getting up early whenever there was a big event. Things like school trips back in the day, my wedding day, the first day at a new job, anything that could make me anxious did this to me.
I stayed in bed until 5AM when it was time to wake Mrs. C to get ready for work. Once she knew of my situation she then insisted that I do nothing but try to get back to sleep. I did, but try as I would, I couldn't fall asleep again.
This is gonna be fun...
This is gonna be fun...
Just like the rules say, I got there early (a minute and a half still counts). Fortunately I wasn't sweating as much as I normally do. Did I ever mention that I sweat? Like A LOT? Especially when I'm nervous. I know! Way to make an impression, right?! Anyway, I mopped what little was on my face and waited. To my surprise, I wasn't left to wait too long. In a few interviews in the past, even though I was early or on time I still ended up waiting for sometimes 20 minutes until they were ready. Well, let's just say this wasn't the first unusual thing to happen during the interview.
It started off (and basically ended) with an icebreaker question. One of the interviewers came in and handed me a sheet of paper with a single question on it I was told to answer it and they'd be with me shortly. Then he left. I looked at the question on the paper and the scenario presented didn't seem to make any sense. So I answered that I couldn't answer it. That is, not until some more information was provided and, instead, I wrote down my own questions that would provide me with some clarification.
Turns out that wasn't exactly what they were expecting. So, in a nutshell, we didn't get much further than that icebreaker. Sure, a few follow-up questions were asked. A formality, I suppose. But after I had answered they had already made up their minds.
To paraphrase, they basically said that my response wasn't what they were looking for but it proved that I thought outside the box and was able to dig deeper for more information. They said that these were important aspects for a journalist and that I had passed (what I was to learn was actually) the first half of the interview. Now I'm just to expect a call for interview number 2.
Holy crap! I pulled it off!?!
That's right! I didn't totally screw it up. I'm not hired (yet) but they definitely are interested. Nothing is confirmed yet other than they'll call me to set an appointment for the second interview, but things are looking good.
Plus... They gave me homework.
No kidding.
It started off (and basically ended) with an icebreaker question. One of the interviewers came in and handed me a sheet of paper with a single question on it I was told to answer it and they'd be with me shortly. Then he left. I looked at the question on the paper and the scenario presented didn't seem to make any sense. So I answered that I couldn't answer it. That is, not until some more information was provided and, instead, I wrote down my own questions that would provide me with some clarification.
Turns out that wasn't exactly what they were expecting. So, in a nutshell, we didn't get much further than that icebreaker. Sure, a few follow-up questions were asked. A formality, I suppose. But after I had answered they had already made up their minds.
To paraphrase, they basically said that my response wasn't what they were looking for but it proved that I thought outside the box and was able to dig deeper for more information. They said that these were important aspects for a journalist and that I had passed (what I was to learn was actually) the first half of the interview. Now I'm just to expect a call for interview number 2.
Holy crap! I pulled it off!?!
That's right! I didn't totally screw it up. I'm not hired (yet) but they definitely are interested. Nothing is confirmed yet other than they'll call me to set an appointment for the second interview, but things are looking good.
Plus... They gave me homework.
No kidding.
Filed Under:
happy place,
I couldn't make this up if I tried,
need coffee,
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tomorrow is the big day. Well, not the big day. It isn't like it's my wedding day (been there, done that), or the due date of my first child (that's for sometime later, I guess), or the day the world's governments sign over total control of the planet to me accepting me unquestionably as their new overlord for life (but one day perhaps). But it's a big day to me all the same. Tomorrow is the day of my job interview at the newspaper.
I started off pretty euphoric after I got the call. I thought, "Yes!!! Finally, someone called! Finally, I was going to get out of this situation". Then, of course, a few days later, reality stepped in as it dawned on me that I might not actually get the job. I'm a total idiot when talking to people face-to-face. Especially when I feel like they're judging me, studying me, looking for my flaws and measuring me on their scale of worthiness. *Shudder*
But then, what would happen even if I did pass the interview? (Is 'pass' the right word? It is like a test, right?) I'm a total noob at journalism. I only started my first classes in the field last month. I don't know if I'm ready for this. Sure, I've researched the job description, the company, yadda, yadda, yadda. The truth is, no amount of reading up on it can ever prepare you for the real thing. Right?
I have to stop thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow is scary. There are too many variables to consider. Too many things of which I have no control over. If I think about it too much, I'd be a complete bundle of nerves, too afraid to step out the front door in the morning. I'm not going to do it any more for today. It's just too much to worry about.
I've done all I can do about tomorrow (I hope) and all I can really worry about right now is today. All I can do is calm myself and try to be as relaxed as I can be. So that's what I'll do. I'll relax for today and deal with tomorrow when it comes. And, also, as for today, all I can really say is...
There's a story about boobs on Sprocket Ink again. And I put it there. Just click here.
Filed Under:
boring assed blog,
Sprocket Ink,
web links
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Just Where Have You Been This Week? Bring You Some Good News.
Good news! After months of sending out applications without so much as a phone call coming my way, I finally got called for an interview! Okay, I know it's just an interview and nothing is anywhere near confirmed yet, but I was beginning to think employers thought I had the plague or something.
I'll take my victories where I can get them.
Added to that, it's for a newspaper. How awesome is that? I sent this application in 7 months ago and they called on Friday. Totally sweet, right? My interview is this coming Friday. I'm hoping all the other crap I've got going on will have me too distracted to be nervous during the interview.
Anyway, enough of the boring stuff. It's recap time!
First, here:
- On Sunday I posted on how my child experiences caused me to create invisible barriers for myself.
- Monday, during one of my always entertaining conversations with the Mrs. we discussed a weird dream she had.
- Tuesday I did a pseudo-post where I introduced a new graphic.
- Wednesday I woke up with a stiff and painful neck. And I bitched told you about it.
- Thursday was pseudo-post# 2 and Friday, pseudo-post# 3.
Now over to Sprocket Ink:
- My Tuesday post looked at a study that would make coffee drinkers everywhere smile and silence those darn naysayers.
- Thursday I followed up on an earlier story about the arrest of a suspected criminal who had an entire town on their toes.
- I filled in on Sprocket on Friday and got all ranty and opinionated this time while discussing a proposed law that would institute temporary marriages in Mexico City.
Yeah, I'll say it's been a busy week. Wouldn't you? Anyway, the interview's not until Friday buy go on ahead and wish me luck from now, if you like. I'm not too proud to take any positive encouragement I can get this early.
Filed Under:
Sprocket Ink,
web links,
Where Have You Been
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