Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Bird In The Hand...

Yesterday, while I was getting ready for work I heard a strange noise coming from the kitchen. That's when I found this:
You may have me now, but the joke's on you when you see what I left in your hand.

A Ground Dove. I don't know that much about birds but I could tell it's young. It came in through an open window and was freaking out a little because it felt trapped. It fluttered around until it ended up stuck in a waste basket.

Coincidentally, My post on Sprocket Ink today is about a trapped bird. Only, this is about one that got away. Click on the SI badge to the right to see what I'm talking about.


  1. Awwww! Just in time for your wife's next batch of pastelles!
    *evil laugh*

    1. Wait. It gets better. If we wait until Christmas, I'll be full grown.

  2. You washed your hand afterward, right. Right?

    1. Um... Yeah! Um. Totally! Like I'd forget something like that.

    2. I figured you would. I just happen to have a mild phobia of diseases carried by birds... Not sure where it comes from.

    3. Let's say, just asking here, someone doesn't wash there hands after holding a bird. What diseases are we talking about?

      Strictly out of curiousity (nervous chuckle)

  3. You found a hand! That's so awesome.

    1. Yeah. Still don't know what that bird was doing there though.

  4. We had the same thing happen last fall.

    Except it was a bat.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes, but ungrateful. The thing never even *tried* to thank me when I let it fly out the window.

  6. Hubby and I spent a very hot and sweaty hour in the garage once. No, it wasn't some kinky fetish, we were trying to capture a baby bird stuck in there, while it's parents were waiting outside going crazy.


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