Saturday, June 1, 2013

I Made You A Gif.

This is my first ever attempt at a moving cartoon. Just a simple gif, but I thought I'd start with that.
The inspiration came from my job at TinyCo (as you can probably guess). It's basically how I spend most of my day there after my the boss's daily chewing out session.

By the way, did you know GIF is really supposed to be pronounced JIF? The creator of the format said so the other day.

The more you know...

Oh and if you're in the mood for something more, feel free to go to my post from yesterday on Sprocket Ink. It's about how far one guy in Japan went to protect his porno habit. It's funny (if I do say so myself) and there's a picture Japanese bikini model in it. What more could you ask for?


  1. Seriously awesome "jif". Isn't that peanut butter by the way?

  2. First of all, I never knew it was pronounced "jif" - second, that gif is awesome and I can totally relate.

  3. Nicely done.
    If you're Canadian that's pronounced "doon"


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