Tuesday, March 8, 2016

When You...

That moment...

And then... not much later...


  1. YES. I get obsessive about my snacking. And this is very accurate :)

    1. "Obsessive" is a good way of describing relationship with snacks too.

  2. I never get that sweaty feeling because as soon as I discover that snack, it's in my tummy.

    1. I'm actually survived anything survived in there past the day I bought it myself.

    2. This sentence is even better than your snack observation. Skynet is teaching us to sound like morons.

  3. Love good snacks at work!! They don't last long. :)

    1. Same here. Only... between us, we're not really supposed to snack at our desks. Especially, if the head of Facilities is anywhere close by.

  4. I buy sweets to throw in my lunches for work, but can't stay out of them when I'm at home. It's a no-win situation.

  5. Man, one night I was lying in bed, not quite tired, when I remembered I had a Cadbury chocolate egg in the fridge I'd totally forgotten about. I could not get that thing out of my head and even though it was 1 in the morning I was obsessed by it. I was going through the scenarios in my head of what would happen if I just got up right then and ate the egg. Pretty soon I was drooling so bad I had to. Just to get my mind to shut up. What I'm saying is I TOTALLY GET IT. :) Also, hi, I'm still alive!

  6. I must be in the minority here, my snacks never make it to a drawer.

  7. Hey! Sorry for not responding sooner. I'm cool with it if you're still willing.

  8. Thank you so very much for giving permission. You can see your linked header under All, Comics and the United States. If you could say something (preferably good) about SiteHoundSniffs.com here and there, I would greatly appreciate it.


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