Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Social Interaction - Do We Need To Talk?

One day, while having lunch in a crowded food court in a shopping mall close to where I work:

Some Guy (SG): Anyone sitting here?
Me (Me): Nope.
SG: You mind?
Me: No problem. Go ahead.
SG: Thanks... I’m not bothering you, am I?
Me: Nah, It’s cool.

I go back to eating while I check some messages on my phone. After a few seconds...

SG: Short week this week, huh?

(NOTE: There were two holidays during that week.)

Me: Uh? Um... yeah.
SG: Yeah... I think they sold me stale peanuts downstairs.
Me: (*Thinking*: Who comes to a food court to eat peanuts?) Hmm...
SG: *Continues eating suspect peanuts.*
Me: *Continues stating at phone.*
SG: ... It’s hot...

Did he take my confirmation that he wasn't bothering as a challenge?!


  1. UGH. The worst. Some people have a need to fill every silence with sound. This is why I love smart phones b/c I can pretend I "HAVE" to read some emails right away, when really I'm just looking for new dirty jokes on Twitter.
    But sometimes we DO have to get a hold of funny tweets right away, you know? Read the room, Stale Peanut Guy.

    1. Exactly! How are we supposed to keep up with what television/movie screenshot is the newest meme going viral if random people want to waste our time with conversation? Talk about insensitive!

  2. Yeaaaaap. Smalltalk is wonderful, especially about the weather. And nuts.

    1. I know, right? Ge a discussion going on how changes in the climate are affecting nut farming worldwide & that just hours of conversation material right there.

  3. Luckily Cho Hyun-Ah wasn't there...

    1. Actually, maybe they'd be perfect for each other. She could help him to be less tolerant of inferior service with her high standards for nut presentation while his more laid back attitude could rub off a little on her so no one ends up prostrating themselves.

  4. What the hell? This confirms that there are a staggering amount of people who are unable to be in a situation and not understand or read the situation to realize that he/she/definitely he, is probably just generally being a gross jerk.

    1. Yeah. Him & the folks I regularly meet during my daily commute to & from work, that is.

  5. Before cell phones (yes, there was a time before cell phones) people would take the hint that you didn't want to talk if you involved yourself in something else. Now, with people checking their cells constantly during all conversations and meals, people don't take checking your cell as a hint. We're going to have to think up some other passive/aggressive way of letting people know that we're not interested. I think you should get on that . . .

    1. The first thing that comes to mind: A portable, folding blind that you can pull out & set up on the table between you & the person invading your personal space. Seems a bit blunt but, at the very least, he/she should get the point.


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