Friday, October 17, 2014

If We Were Friends.


  1. Ha! Now, does total damage caused include the damage inflicted upon myself or just property damage? And does the score go up or down the more damage I do? I need to know these things if I'm going to know to tuck my arms in or flail them wildly. Can I alter the score, if, as I make my "ugh" sound laying on the ground, I emit an audible fart? Are there other judges? If so, you know you have to watch that Russian judge.

    1. Property damage scores higher that damage to yourself. The more the better. Special points can be added for finishing with humorous sound effects. As for the Russian, I have to admit I never really trusted that guy.

  2. I try not to trip and fall in front of witnesses, but when it happens I usually end up rolling around on the floor and having a good laugh about it. Getting a high score probably takes the sting out of public klutziness.

    1. Which is why I consider it an act of friendship to award points.

  3. LOL.
    And know that if we were friends and as long as I didn't sustain any injury I'd be the one laughing so hard I wouldn't be able to get up on my own.

    1. I'd prefer you didn't get injured as well. For some reason, people get mad if you make light of someone getting his/her arm broken.

  4. Really good friends are liberal with 9s and 10s.

    1. I'm more of an okay-ish type of friend, I guess.

  5. I assume I get extra points if my skirt gets tangled up over my head, right?

    1. Absolutely! Embarrassing wardrobe mishaps during the landing earn the most points. If you can add a desktop printer flying through the air after you knock over a table, on the way down, that's a full 10 points right there.


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