Thursday, April 18, 2013

I Guess I'll Just Shave This Morning After All.

GAH!!! This is why I hardly look in the mirror! Where the hell did all these greys come from?! I was going to skip shaving today, but if this is what I have going on with my chin, I might as well just shave and get it over with. And the dark circels around my eyes are a nice touch...


It's bad enough Mrs. C left a bottle of hair coloring out last week so I could "deal with that situation going on  on the top of my head". She'd never let me hear the end of this.

It has to be all the stress. That's it! This is all due to stress. I mean, it has to be that. Right? I'm only turning 35 this year. It's not like I'm getting o-

No! I'm not going to say it! I'm not even going to think that word. That's not even an option. I've got plenty of time before I start worrying about stuff like that. Years even! I just have to start taking better care of myself, is all. Get a little more sleep at night, stop worrying about the bills and school and grandma Evie's health problems and I'll be just fine. Yeah... I need to stop stressing myself out. Those are the things causing all these grey hairs to show up. I just need to relax.

"You're as young as you let yourself feel." That's what I always used to believe. It's what I still believe. Aging is a state of mind and I refuse to let myself think any differently. Not yet. Not when there are still so many things to get done. I refuse to accept slowing down now. I'm not ready to yet.

We want kids. We’ll have kids eventually. There’s still time. We just have to clear stuff out of the way first. Get on more solid footing financially. Then there’s that kung-fu class I want to join. I still have time to start… Then again, I could so much more advanced if I’d started already…

Whatevs! Anyway, might as well go to the bathroom and shave before Mrs. C wakes up.

OW!!! Damned ankle! I really need to get new shoes.


I wrote this for this week's Theme Prompt on Studio 30 Plus.
This week's prompt challenges you to write a post around the theme "Old", but not use the word in the actual post.


  1. No worries. The alternative is much worse.

    1. Dbs, dude, what are you talking about?
      No, really, something scarier than what?

  2. Plenty of time, young man. Plenty! You know, this post pretty much addresses both of the S30P prompts, because I hear hope coming through, toward the end. Nice!

  3. When I was in my 30's I felt like I was looking really old, but now in my early 40's I look pretty much the same as I did then. Besides, I keep telling myself I look nothing like a gramma even if I'm old enough to be one.

  4. Cute! And yes, shave the beard unless you're going for that sophisticated look of an educated man (tweed blazer with patches on the elbows maybe?)

    Thanks for joining the prompt!

  5. It isnt the grey hairs on the chin that make you old...
    It is when they start appearing lower...hehe

  6. At 60, we'll remember how young 30s were.
    At the rate I'm going, I think I'll be napping all day.


Go ahead, say it! You know you want to: